3 Career Fields In Neonatology

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Working in the field of neonatology is desirable if you enjoy helping mothers with their new babies. Although neonatology primarily focuses on the baby, the field is more complex and also integrates the health and well-being of new mothers. Neonatology Physician/Physician’s Assistant The physician and physician’s assistant (PA) go through classical training, such as medical school or PA school, and these professionals may further specialize in the are of neonatology. Physicians and PAs work closely with other team members, such as the obstetrician and pediatric specialists to address concerns related to maternal-fetal health shortly before and after birth.…

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Quadruple Bypass Surgery And Why You Cannot Do Anything For Months After

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Bad hearts eventually fail. When you have to undergo quadruple bypass open heart surgery, you will spend months sitting around and doing nothing until your doctor okays it for you to move a little. During that time, you will need A LOT of help just doing daily tasks. If you do not have a spouse, or your spouse is unavailable to help most of the time, you will need in-home care services.…

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Four Emergency Room Tips For The Average American

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Emergency rooms are a real asset when you are injured or suddenly become ill, requiring prompt treatment. However, because they handle last-minute problems of all kinds, emergency rooms can get a little busy and chaotic. This is just the nature of the business! As an average American consumer, it’s important to know a few tips and tricks that can ensure you get the help you need in the emergency room – without too much hassle.…

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First Summer With Your Hearing Aids? How To Keep Them Safe During The Warm Weather

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If this is going to be your first summer wearing hearing aids, you might not be prepared for warm-weather care. Unfortunately, not providing your hearing aids with the proper care during the summer can leave you with some serious ear issues. Not to mention the fact that issues that come up during the summer can actually damage your hearing aids. To help you avoid problems with your ears, and your hearing aids, here are some tips you’ll need to follow.…

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Scheduled For ACL Reconstruction? What You Need To Know About A Cryotherapy Cold Unit

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If you are scheduled for an ACL reconstruction surgery, you may be prescribed a cold therapy unit for cryotherapy to help in your recovery. If you aren’t, you may want to ask your orthopedic surgeon about cryotherapy. According to research, cryotherapy is an effective way of reducing pain immediately after ACL reconstruction. It can also improve knee range of motion. Here’s what you need to know about a cold therapy unit and using one for cryotherapy.…

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Three Tips For Treating Serious Cuts And Wounds

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Suffering a deep cut can be a painful and stressful problem to experience. While deep cuts are fairly routine, individuals are often unaware of what they should do in response to this type of injury. In particular, there are some basic first aid steps that should always be taken when a deep cut is suffered even if you will be going to an urgent care clinic. Attempt To Stop The Bleeding…

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3 Types Of Services You Should Consider After A Cancer Diagnosis

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The diagnosis of cancer in itself can be life-altering, but the lengthy process of treatment can bring additional hurdles. After a cancer diagnosis, utilizing all available resources can help you tackle the different challenges you and your loved ones might face. Various Treatment Approaches Depending on your exact type of cancer and the treatments available, there might be options that are more conducive to staying out of the hospital. For example, you should ask your oncologist if certain treatments can be administered on an outpatient basis or taken in an oral form.…

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MRI Imaging Identifies Diagnostic Marking That Indicates Early Alzheimer's Disease Symptoms

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One of the saddest proclamations coming from medical researchers is that Alzheimer’s disease is a killer disease and that it rates very high on a non-survival scale of from one to ten. There is no cure for this disease, and there is no treatment in the past or present time that can stop progression of this condition. Nor is there any specific medicine that will slow the pace of this devastating Alzheimer’s disease.…

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