Important Things To Know Before Having An Inguinal Hernia Repaired

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If you've been living with an inguinal hernia, you are probably excited to finally have it repaired. Surely, it will be nice not to have the abdominal pain that comes with a hernia. And you will no longer need to be so careful to avoid lifting or using your abdominal muscles. Surgeons have been repairing inguinal hernias for many years, and they have the process pretty standardized. However, there are still some important things to know before you head in for hernia repair surgery.

You'll usually be sent home straight afterwards.

Hernia repair surgery does not usually require an overnight stay in the hospital unless you are also dealing with another underlying condition. In fact, many hernia repair surgeries are now performed in ambulatory surgical centers instead of in hospitals. Whether you have your surgery at a hospital or a surgical center, you'll usually be observed for a few hours after you wake up. Then, you'll be released to recover at home. You'll need someone to drive you home and to stay with you for at least the first few days after surgery.

You can go back to your normal diet post-surgery.

Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, it is usually safe to resume eating your normal diet after an inguinal hernia repair. The low location of an inguinal hernia means that the surgical site won't face that much strain as you digest crunchier, more solid foods. You will, however, want to make sure you eat plenty of fiber to prevent constipation. You don't want to have to strain to relieve yourself after having an inguinal hernia repaired.

Taking pain relief on time is important.

You'll likely be prescribed a pain relief medication to take after your inguinal hernia repair surgery. Make sure you take this on schedule, even if your pain has not come back before your next dose is due. The pain relievers prescribed after inguinal hernia repair are usually NSAIDs, and they work, in part, by reducing inflammation. They are better at preventing inflammation from developing in the first place than they are at correcting it once it does occur. So, taking your pain reliever on time will do a better job of keeping your pain and swelling under control after surgery. 

With the knowledge shared here, you should be better prepared to have an inguinal hernia repaired. Talk to a surgeon in your area to learn more or to ask any questions that come up for you. For more information on hernia repair, contact a professional near you.
